Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Tracy Anderson Method Dance Cardio Workout DVD Review

The Tracy Anderson Method Dance Cardio Workout DVD
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I wanted to write a review from someone that had been doing Tracy's workouts for more than just a couple of weeks, because I feel like that was clearly missing from the reviews I have read in the site so far, so here it goes...
I mostly recommend this workout for people that have had some dance background or enjoy dance type aerobics classes at the gym or have done other dance workout dvds. If that's the case this is for you! If you consider yourself clumsy and not a dancer then really, what are you thinking? Find something else. So for you dancers and dance inclined people out there here's the scoop...
You are going to have to resign to the fact that this is a choreography oriented workout. However, this is not darren's dance grooves and she's not going devote the entire time to counting out and teaching you the dance because I think her point is you learn it and then just pop the dvd in and get straight to it. She breaks it down for you and I recommend you watch that part, but that doesn't really help you learn at all you'll forget once she starts at full speed. Use the format where she faces away from you. For sanity's sake the best way to learn this dance is to take 1-2 dances a week and learn them by just trying to follow along. So do warm up do two routines then stop it and go to the mat workout. Yes you will mess up but if you've gone to any dance class you know the key is to keep moving and then jump in again. She repeats the same choreography over and over throughout the song just switching sides so eventually it sinks in. After six weeks you should be able to get through six dances and some of you might linger here because after dance six it gets a bit difficult to get through all of this. That's ok eventually add the last two. By this point you will realize that her lack of cueing is actually and advantage because it makes the video less irritating.
Also, I must state that this is a bit of bouncy workout so if you are not a runner or a jump roper your calfs might not be ready for this. From my time doing this I have found that if you give yourself more than two rest days your calfs will get even more sore on the second day but doing the dance helps release some of that lactic acid so its best to just keep doing and eventually your calfs will be up to it. Also, some parts where there's a lot of jumping (plie-jacks for example) you might have to substitute doing another move in order to manage getting through the routine. This is a good rule of thumb if its too hard move from side to side or do something simple for that move and then get back in the routine until you build up the stamina.
What's the catch then? Well, it is hard to do both workouts 5-6 days for a total of two hours a day. Who has that time? So if you go for this goal you will not keep it up and your money will go down the drain cuz you'll shelve this dvd in no time. But in the beginning just alternate them each day for five days. I wish her mat workout had chapters, which would help only do legs one day and arms another. I fast forward (and catch my breath) and do this for a 1hr 30 min workout (skip her mat warm up after doing cardio, you are plenty warmed up). This works best for me and is worth trying.
Basically, the best way to lose weight is to do her cardio 5 times a week. If you can get through the entire thing and do the cardio 5 times a week for two weeks, while eating healthy (nothing drastic) you can lose 2-5 pounds in that time. Her mat workout is important though because working out your muscles not only tones but helps you shred more calories faster, not to mention I sweat tons doing her leg series alone. I have the mat workout and not the post pregnancy but I wouldn't buy both just buy one of these and save some cash. I'm sure either will get you slim in no time to start with.
Lastly, the music is not the best I KNOW but it helps you keep pace... just try not to think about it too much. After you get the moves down you can try them to other songs you like (mute tv/blast radio). Like she says, don't over think it, just get in your zone (kind of like running) and you'll be done before you know it.
Hope you find this helpful.

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The Tracy Anderson Method Dance Cardio Workout DVD

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